How will you improve tagging people on LinkedIn?


Product Case Study

Describe the Product

Tagging people on LinkedIn is a way to mention or reference specific individuals in your posts, comments, or articles on the LinkedIn platform. It works similar to how you might tag someone on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram. When you tag someone on LinkedIn, it notifies them and brings their attention to the content you share.

As a product manager, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly tagging experience on LinkedIn would involve implementing features that allow users to easily tag others by simply typing their name and selecting the correct person from suggestions. It's important to prioritize privacy and control, allowing users to control who can tag them and what notifications they receive.

‍Clarifying Questions‍

  • How is the current tagging feature being used by LinkedIn users?
  • What are the main pain points or challenges users face when tagging people on LinkedIn?
  • Are there any specific user segments or use cases where tagging is particularly important?
  • What are the desired outcomes or goals for users when they tag someone on LinkedIn?
  • How frequently do users tag others, and in what types of content (posts, comments, articles, etc.)?
  • Are there any privacy concerns or issues related to tagging that need to be addressed?
  • Are users satisfied with the current tagging experience, or are there any common complaints or feedback?
  • How do users discover and choose the people they want to tag? Are there any difficulties in finding the right people to tag?
  • What are the potential risks or abuse cases associated with tagging, and how can those be mitigated?
  • Are there any specific features or enhancements users would like to see in the tagging functionality

Define the Goal

Tagging serves several purposes on LinkedIn:

  • Connection
  • Visibility
  • Collaboration
  • Engagement
  • Networking
  • Identify User Segments

The various user segments for tagging people on LinkedIn can include:

Professionals: This segment consists of individuals who use LinkedIn for professional networking, career development, and business opportunities. They tag others to connect with colleagues, industry peers, mentors, or potential collaborators.

Job Seekers: Job seekers use LinkedIn to showcase their skills, experience, and accomplishments. They may tag recruiters, hiring managers, or industry influencers to draw attention to their profiles and increase their chances of job opportunities.

Entrepreneurs and Business Owners: This segment includes individuals who run their own businesses or startups. They may tag potential clients, partners, investors, or industry experts to initiate conversations, seek collaborations, or promote their products and services.

Thought Leaders and Influencers: Thought leaders and influencers leverage LinkedIn to share their expertise, insights, and industry knowledge. They may tag other experts, peers, or influential individuals to engage in discussions, spark conversations, or gain visibility for their content.

Educators and Trainers: Professionals in the education sector use LinkedIn to share educational resources, industry updates, and career guidance. They tag students, colleagues, or industry professionals to involve them in discussions, share valuable content, or promote educational programs.

Event Organizers: Event organizers on LinkedIn tag speakers, panelists, sponsors, or attendees to promote upcoming events, increase engagement, and facilitate networking opportunities.

Sales and Business Development Professionals: This segment utilizes LinkedIn to connect with potential clients, generate leads, and build relationships. They may tag prospects, decision-makers, or industry influencers to initiate conversations or highlight relevant content.

Human Resources and Talent Acquisition: HR professionals and recruiters tag candidates, employees, or industry professionals to facilitate communication, share job opportunities, or recognize employee achievements.

List the Pain Points

Here are some pain points that users may experience when tagging people on LinkedIn:

Difficulty in Finding the Right People: Users may struggle to find the specific individuals they want to tag, especially if they have a large network. LinkedIn's search and suggestion algorithms may not always provide accurate or relevant results, making it challenging to identify and tag the intended people.

Limited Control over Tagging Notifications: Users may receive excessive notifications when they are tagged, which can be overwhelming and distracting. Additionally, they may not have sufficient control over the types of notifications they receive for tags, such as being unable to customize or adjust their notification preferences.

Privacy Concerns: Users may have concerns about privacy when being tagged. They may want more control over who can tag them and what content they are tagged in, as well as the ability to manage their visibility settings for tagged content.

Tagging Spam or Misuse: Users may experience instances of tagging spam, where they are tagged in irrelevant or promotional content without their consent. This can lead to a negative user experience and make users wary of engaging with tagged content.

Over-dependence on Tagging for Engagement: Some users may rely heavily on tagging as the primary means to engage with others on LinkedIn, leading to an overabundance of tags and notifications. This can result in a cluttered feed and difficulty in prioritizing important discussions or interactions.

Lack of Context in Tagged Content: Users may encounter issues where the tagged content lacks sufficient context or information, making it unclear why they were tagged or what action is expected from them. This can reduce the effectiveness of the tagging feature in driving meaningful engagement.

Inability to Edit or Remove Tags: Users may face challenges in editing or removing tags once they have been added to a post or comment. This can be problematic if a tag was mistakenly added or if a user wants to modify the tagged individuals.

Inconsistent User Experience: Users may find inconsistencies in the tagging experience across different LinkedIn platforms (web, mobile app), leading to confusion or frustration. The feature may not be equally accessible or intuitive on all platforms, impacting user satisfaction.

List the solutions to the identified pain points

Here are some possible solutions to address the pain points for tagging people on LinkedIn:

Improved Search and Suggestions:

  • Enhance the search functionality to provide more accurate and relevant results when users search for people to tag.
  • Implement advanced algorithms that consider factors like mutual connections, relevance, and user preferences to suggest appropriate people to tag.

Enhanced Notification Controls:

  • Provide users with more granular control over tagging notifications, allowing them to customize the types of notifications they receive (e.g., mentions, comments, likes) and the frequency of notifications.
  • Introduce intelligent notification filters that prioritize important or high-value tags, reducing notification overload.

Enhanced Privacy and Tagging Controls:

  • Allow users to control who can tag them by providing options to set tagging permissions based on connection level (e.g., connections only, connections of connections) or specific user-defined settings.
  • Enable users to review and approve tags before they appear publicly on their profile or in their activity feed.
  • Introduce the ability to remove or hide tags from posts or comments if they are deemed irrelevant or inappropriate.

Spam and Misuse Prevention:

  • Implement algorithms and user reporting mechanisms to identify and address instances of tagging spam or misuse, ensuring a cleaner and more valuable tagging experience.
  • Promote community guidelines and educational resources to discourage inappropriate or excessive tagging behavior.

Diversify Engagement Options:

  • Encourage users to engage with content beyond tagging, such as utilizing comments, likes, or sharing, to foster meaningful conversations and reduce over-reliance on tagging for engagement.

Contextual Tagging:

  • Encourage users to provide additional context or information when tagging someone, promoting clearer understanding of the purpose or action expected from the tagged individuals.
  • Provide guidelines or prompts for users to include relevant context when tagging others in their posts or comments.

Edit and Remove Tagging Options:

  • Allow users to easily edit or remove tags from posts or comments, providing greater flexibility and control over tagged content.

Consistent User Experience:

  • Ensure a consistent and seamless tagging experience across different LinkedIn platforms (web, mobile app) to avoid confusion or frustration for users.

Use Prioritization Metrics to prioritize the solutions according to factors such as feasibility and ease of usage

Let's use the RICE prioritization framework to prioritize the solutions for tagging people on LinkedIn:

Improved Search and Suggestions:

  • Reach: High (affects a large number of users)
  • Impact: High (enhances the ability to find and tag the right people)
  • Confidence: Medium (requires development and testing)
  • Effort: Medium RICE Score: (Reach × Impact × Confidence) / Effort = High × High × Medium / Medium = High

Enhanced Notification Controls:

  • Reach: High
  • Impact: Medium (improves user control and reduces notification overload)
  • Confidence: High (relatively straightforward implementation)
  • Effort: Low RICE Score: High × Medium × High / Low = High

Enhanced Privacy and Tagging Controls:

  • Reach: High
  • Impact: Medium (improves user privacy and control)
  • Confidence: Medium (implementation requires careful consideration)
  • Effort: High RICE Score: High × Medium × Medium / High = Medium

Spam and Misuse Prevention:

  • Reach: Medium
  • Impact: High (improves user experience and reduces spam)
  • Confidence: High (can leverage existing spam detection mechanisms)
  • Effort: Medium RICE Score: Medium × High × High / Medium = High

Diversify Engagement Options:

  • Reach: High
  • Impact: Low to Medium (reduces reliance on tagging, but impact may vary)
  • Confidence: Medium
  • Effort: Low to Medium RICE Score: High × Medium × Medium / Low = Medium

Contextual Tagging:

  • Reach: High
  • Impact: Medium (improves clarity and understanding)
  • Confidence: Medium
  • Effort: Medium RICE Score: High × Medium × Medium / Medium = Medium

Edit and Remove Tagging Options:

  • Reach: High
  • Impact: Low to Medium (improves user control and flexibility)
  • Confidence: High
  • Effort: Low RICE Score: High × Medium × High / Low = High

Consistent User Experience:

  • Reach: High
  • Impact: Medium (improves user experience and reduces confusion)
  • Confidence: High
  • Effort: Low RICE Score: High × Medium × High / Low = High

Based on the RICE scores, the solutions can be prioritized in the following order:

  • Improved Search and Suggestions
  • Enhanced Notification Controls
  • Spam and Misuse Prevention
  • Edit and Remove Tagging Options
  • Consistent User Experience
  • Enhanced Privacy and Tagging Controls
  • Contextual Tagging
  • Diversify Engagement Options

Define Metrics to measure the performance

User Engagement:

  • Number of tags per user: Measure the average number of tags users create or receive to understand the level of engagement and interaction facilitated by the tagging feature.
  • Tag acceptance rate: Measure the percentage of tags that are accepted or acknowledged by the tagged individuals to gauge the effectiveness of tagging in fostering connections and conversations.

User Satisfaction:

  • User feedback and surveys: Gather feedback from users regarding their experience with tagging, including satisfaction ratings, suggestions for improvement, and overall user sentiment.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): Assess the likelihood of users recommending the tagging feature on LinkedIn to others, indicating their level of satisfaction and perceived value.

Notification Management:

  • Tagging notification preferences: Track the percentage of users who customize their tagging notification settings to evaluate the effectiveness of the enhanced notification controls.
  • Notification overload: Measure the reduction in user complaints or negative feedback related to excessive or irrelevant tagging notifications.

Privacy and Control:

  • Tagging privacy settings: Monitor the number of users who adjust their tagging privacy settings or utilize the enhanced privacy and tagging controls.
  • User-reported tagging misuse: Track the number of user-reported instances of tagging spam or misuse to assess the effectiveness of the spam prevention measures.

User Adoption and Retention:

  • New user adoption: Measure the percentage of new LinkedIn users who utilize the tagging feature within a specific timeframe to determine the level of adoption among new users.
  • User retention rate: Monitor the percentage of users who continue to use LinkedIn over time, particularly focusing on their engagement with the tagging feature.

Content Interaction:

  • Tagged content engagement: Analyze the number of likes, comments, shares, or other forms of interaction on content that includes tags to gauge the level of engagement and conversation generated by tagging.

Technical Performance:

  • System response time: Measure the time taken for the tagging feature to load or respond to user actions to ensure a smooth and responsive user experience.
  • Error rates: Monitor the occurrence of technical errors or glitches related to tagging, such as tags not being properly recognized or processed.

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