How will you improve ads on Spotify?


Product Case Study

Describe the Product

It’s a way for businesses to connect with you and support the platform. If you prefer an uninterrupted listening experience, you always have the option to upgrade to Spotify Premium, which removes ads and offers additional features.

As a product manager, my role would be to ensure that the ads on Spotify are relevant, engaging, and delivered in a way that minimizes disruption to the user experience. I would also work on finding a balance between providing value to advertisers and maintaining a positive user experience for Spotify listeners like you.

Clarifying Questions

Targeting: How are the ads currently targeted to users? Are there any specific targeting criteria such as location, demographics, or listening preferences?

Ad Format: What types of ad formats are being used on Spotify? Are there any limitations or restrictions in terms of ad length, content, or style?

Frequency: How frequently do users encounter ads during their listening experience? Is there a balance between providing ad-supported content and not overwhelming the users with too many interruptions?

User Feedback: What is the feedback from users regarding the ads? Are there any common complaints or suggestions for improvement?

Relevance: How are the ads selected and presented to users? Is there a focus on delivering relevant ads based on users' interests and preferences?

Integration: How seamlessly are the ads integrated into the Spotify experience? Are there any opportunities to improve the transition between songs and ads?

Advertiser Feedback: What feedback or requirements do advertisers have regarding the ad placement, targeting options, or effectiveness of their campaigns?

Ad Performance: What metrics are being used to measure the performance of ads? How are advertisers evaluating the success of their campaigns?

Innovation: Are there any new ad formats, technologies, or approaches that could be explored to enhance the ad experience on Spotify?

Revenue and User Experience Balance: How can we find a balance between generating revenue through ads and maintaining a positive user experience? Are there any strategies to explore alternative revenue models or incentives for users?

Define the Goal

The goal of these ads is to help businesses promote their offerings to Spotify users like you. They can be about new music releases, upcoming concerts, popular products, or even general brand awareness campaigns. Advertisers pay Spotify to have their ads played to reach a large audience of music lovers and potential customers.

Identify User Segments

Free Users: These are users who use Spotify's free version, which includes ads as a trade-off for accessing music and other features without a subscription fee. Free users are a significant user segment for ads on Spotify.

Premium Users: Premium users are subscribers who pay for an ad-free experience on Spotify. While they may not directly interact with ads, their subscription fees contribute to Spotify's revenue model and support the availability of free content for other users.

Targeted Segments: Spotify may also target specific user segments based on demographics, interests, listening behavior, and preferences. These targeted segments allow advertisers to reach a specific audience that aligns with their campaign objectives.

Advertisers: Advertisers themselves form a user segment on Spotify. They are interested in reaching Spotify's user base with their ads and are looking for effective ways to engage and convert listeners into customers.

Local and Global Markets: Spotify operates in various countries and regions, each with its own user segment. Advertisers may have specific targeting needs based on geographic location and cultural preferences.

List the Pain Points

Free Users:

  • Interruption of Music: Ads may interrupt the listening experience, especially when they occur between songs or playlists.
  • Relevance: Some ads may not be relevant or of interest to the user, leading to a lack of engagement or annoyance.
  • Frequency: If the frequency of ads is too high, it can become overwhelming and disrupt the flow of music.

Premium Users:

  • Cost: Premium users may feel that the subscription fee they pay should exclude them from any ads, leading to dissatisfaction if they encounter any.
  • Perception of Value: Premium users may question the value of their subscription if they still encounter ads despite paying for an ad-free experience.

Targeted Segments:

  • Privacy Concerns: Some users may feel uncomfortable with the idea of targeted ads based on their personal data or listening habits.
  • Misalignment: Ads targeted to specific segments may not always hit the mark, leading to a lack of resonance or effectiveness.


  • Ad Effectiveness: Advertisers may face challenges in creating ads that effectively engage and convert Spotify users.
  • Ad Blocking: Some users may employ ad-blocking tools or technologies that prevent them from seeing or hearing ads, impacting the reach and effectiveness of ad campaigns.

List the solutions to the identified pain points

Here are some potential solutions to address the identified pain points for ads on Spotify:

Free Users:

  • Improved Ad Placement: Explore more strategic placement of ads, such as at natural breaks in playlists or less disruptive moments during the listening experience.
  • Enhanced Relevance: Use data and user preferences to deliver more targeted and personalized ads that align with users' interests.
  • Optimal Ad Frequency: Find the right balance between ad frequency and user experience to avoid overwhelming users with too many ads.

Premium Users:

  • Exclusive Benefits: Provide additional perks or exclusive content for premium users to further enhance their experience and reinforce the value of their subscription.
  • Limited or No Ads: Review the possibility of reducing or eliminating ads for premium users to maintain a consistent ad-free experience.

Targeted Segments:

  • Transparency and Consent: Ensure clear communication and transparency regarding data usage and targeted advertising, allowing users to control their privacy settings and preferences.
  • Improved Targeting Algorithms: Continuously refine the algorithms and targeting methods to deliver more accurate and relevant ads to the targeted segments.


  • Ad Creativity and Engagement: Provide resources and guidance to advertisers to create compelling and engaging ads that resonate with Spotify users.
  • Ad Formats and Innovation: Explore new ad formats, such as interactive or immersive ads, to captivate users' attention and improve ad effectiveness.
  • Ad Verification and Metrics: Enhance the measurement and reporting capabilities to provide advertisers with more accurate data on ad performance and audience reach.

Use Prioritization Metrics to prioritize the solutions according to factors such as feasibility and ease of usage

Let's use the RICE framework to prioritize the solutions for ads on Spotify:
RICE stands for Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort. We assign a score from 1 to 10 to each of these factors for each solution, and then calculate the overall RICE score by multiplying the scores together.

Here's an example prioritization using the RICE framework:

Improved Ad Placement:

Reach: 8

Impact: 9

Confidence: 7

Effort: 6 RICE Score: 8 x 9 x 7 x 6 = 3,024

Enhanced Relevance:

Reach: 7

Impact: 8

Confidence: 8

Effort: 7 RICE Score: 7 x 8 x 8 x 7 = 2,912

Optimal Ad Frequency:

Reach: 7

Impact: 7

Confidence: 6

Effort: 6 RICE Score: 7 x 7 x 6 x 6 = 1,764

Exclusive Benefits (Premium Users):

Reach: 5

Impact: 8

Confidence: 9

Effort: 5 RICE Score: 5 x 8 x 9 x 5 = 1,800

Limited or No Ads (Premium Users):

Reach: 4

Impact: 9

Confidence: 7

Effort: 8 RICE Score: 4 x 9 x 7 x 8 = 2,016

Transparency and Consent:

Reach: 6

Impact: 7

Confidence: 8

Effort: 6 RICE Score: 6 x 7 x 8 x 6 = 2,016

Improved Targeting Algorithms:

Reach: 6

Impact: 8

Confidence: 7

Effort: 7 RICE Score: 6 x 8 x 7 x 7 = 1,792

Ad Creativity and Engagement:

Reach: 6

Impact: 8

Confidence: 6

Effort: 7 RICE Score: 6 x 8 x 6 x 7 = 1,344

Ad Formats and Innovation:

Reach: 5

Impact: 7

Confidence: 6

Effort: 8 RICE Score: 5 x 7 x 6 x 8 = 1,680

Ad Verification and Metrics:

Reach: 6

Impact: 7

Confidence: 8

Effort: 6 RICE Score: 6 x 7 x 8 x 6 = 1,344

Based on the RICE scores, we can prioritize the solutions as follows:

  • Improved Ad Placement (3,024)
  • Enhanced Relevance (2,912)
  • Limited or No Ads (Premium Users) (2,016)
  • Transparency and Consent (2,016)
  • Optimal Ad Frequency (1,764)
  • Improved Targeting Algorithms (1,792)
  • Exclusive Benefits (Premium Users) (1,800)
  • Ad Formats and Innovation (1,680)
  • Ad Verification and Metrics (1,344)
  • Ad Creativity and Engagement (1,344)

Define Metrics to measure the performance

To measure the performance of the solutions for ads on Spotify, we can use the following metrics:

Ad Engagement Rate: This metric measures the percentage of users who interacted with the ad, such as clicking on it or taking a desired action. It helps evaluate the effectiveness of ad formats, creativity, and engagement strategies.

Ad Relevance Score: This metric assesses the relevance of the ads to the target audience. It can be measured through user feedback or surveys, where users rate the relevance and usefulness of the ads they encounter.

Conversion Rate: This metric tracks the percentage of users who converted or took the desired action after interacting with the ad, such as signing up for a service or making a purchase. It indicates the effectiveness of targeting algorithms and ad placement.

Ad Visibility: This metric measures the visibility of ads by analyzing viewability and impression metrics. It helps assess the effectiveness of ad placement and ensures that ads are seen by the intended audience.

Customer Satisfaction: This metric measures user satisfaction with the overall ad experience on Spotify. It can be assessed through surveys or feedback mechanisms to understand how users perceive the ad quality and their overall satisfaction.

Revenue Generated: This metric measures the revenue generated from ad placements. It helps evaluate the financial impact of the advertising solutions and assess their effectiveness in driving revenue for Spotify.

Ad Completion Rate: This metric measures the percentage of users who watched or listened to the entire ad without skipping or abandoning it. It indicates the level of user engagement and the effectiveness of ad formats and content.

Ad Recall: This metric measures the ability of users to recall or remember the ads they encountered on Spotify. It helps evaluate the impact of ad creatives and assesses the effectiveness of brand messaging and memorability.

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