How many orders does BigBasket fulfill in Pune on a weekday?


Product Case Study

Let's make an educated estimate:

Population of Pune:

The population of Pune is around 3.1 million as of 2021.

Internet Penetration:

Assuming a 50% internet penetration rate, we get 1.55 million potential online grocery shoppers.

Online Grocery Shoppers:

Let's further assume that 20% of these internet users use online platforms like BigBasket for their grocery needs, which gives us 310,000 potential customers.

Active Customers:

Not every potential customer would be placing an order every day. If we assume that 10% of these customers place an order on any given day, we get 31,000 daily orders.

Market Share:

BigBasket, although a major player, shares its market with other players. If we consider it has 30% market share, we get approximately 9,300 daily orders.

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