Zomato's average rating for restaurants has dropped by 10% in Pune


Product Case Study

Define the Problem:

Here the problem is the sudden drop in average ratings for restaurants in Pune. It's important to have a clear and concise definition of the problem at hand.

Gather Data/Evidence:

Here we need more details about the problem:

  • Timeline of the drop: Is it sudden or over a period of time?
  • Specific user segments: Is the drop consistent across all user segments or are there specific segments that are experiencing larger drops?
  • Is the drop experienced across all types of restaurants, or only specific ones (e.g. fine dining, fast food, local cuisines etc.)?
  • Have there been any changes to the rating system recently?

Identify Possible Causes: I'd list out all possible internal and external factors that could have led to this situation.

Internal Factors:

  • Recent changes to the rating system, app updates, or bugs that may affect rating submission.
  • Changes in the restaurant list, perhaps many new low-rated restaurants were added recently in Pune.

External Factors:

  • Increased competition: Maybe users are comparing Zomato's services with other apps and giving lower ratings due to higher expectations.
  • Local Events: There could have been a major event in Pune that led to poor service from restaurants (e.g., a big festival, natural disasters, etc.).

Analyze the Causes:

For each identified cause, analyze the collected data to confirm or deny each cause. Look for patterns and correlations in the data. For example, if we suspect a bug, we would check if lower ratings correspond with certain app versions or specific devices.

Identify the Root Cause(s):

Based on the analysis, pinpoint the primary reasons for the problem. It could be a combination of a few factors.

Plan and Implement Solution(s):

After identifying the root cause(s), design and implement solutions that directly address them. This could be as simple as fixing a bug in the rating system, or more complex, like launching a campaign to improve service in Pune restaurants. It could also involve liaising with the restaurant partners to understand the issue.


Once the solutions have been implemented, it's crucial to keep monitoring the metrics and observe if there's improvement or if further adjustments are required.

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