You launched a new feature that tracks daily steps in the Apple Health app. What metrics would you collect? How would you know the feature was a success?


Product Case Study


  • The daily steps tracking feature offers users an effortless way to monitor their physical activity.
  • It gives users insights into their daily mobility, potentially encouraging them to move more.
  • The feature also allows Apple Health to understand a user's physical activity patterns better, enhancing the app's ability to offer personalized health suggestions.

Feature Goals:

  • User Engagement: Increase user interaction with the Apple Health app.
  • Physical Activity: Encourage users to move more.
  • Personalized Insights: Offer better suggestions based on daily step count.

User Journey:

  • User opens the Apple Health app.
  • User checks the daily step count on the dashboard.
  • User goes about their day, checking the step count intermittently.
  • User feels encouraged to walk more to reach the daily step target.
  • User monitors their daily, weekly, and monthly step patterns for health insights.

Success Metrics:

  • Is the feature discoverable? Measure the percentage of users who use the daily steps feature out of the total Apple Health app users.
  • Are users using the feature as intended? Track the daily active users (DAU) of the daily steps feature.
  • Is usage of the feature growing? Monitor the growth rate in DAU over time.
  • What is driving usage of the feature? Segment usage by user demographic characteristics (age, gender, geography, etc.)
  • Does the feature increase engagement? Compare the average session duration of users who use the steps feature versus those who don't.
  • Does the feature encourage physical activity? Monitor the average daily steps count and see if it increases over time.

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