What key metrics would you look at as a product manager for Etsy's seller platform?


Product Case Study

Define Feature:

Etsy's seller platform is a key component of the Etsy marketplace, enabling individuals and businesses to create and manage their online stores, list products, and connect with potential buyers. It provides tools and features that empower sellers to showcase their handmade, vintage, and unique items, set pricing, track inventory, and engage with customers.

User Journey:

For Sellers on Etsy's Seller Platform:

Account Creation and Store Setup→ Product Listing Creation→ Store Customization→ Inventory Management→ Order Processing→ Customer Communication→ Sales and Revenue Tracking→ Marketing and Promotion→ Feedback and Reviews→ Seller Support and Resources→ Analytics and Insights→ Store Growth and Expansion


Seller Onboarding and Activation:

  • Metric: Percentage of registered sellers who complete the onboarding process and activate their online store.
  • Importance: This metric helps assess how effectively the platform guides sellers through the initial setup process. A high activation rate indicates that sellers find the platform user-friendly and valuable.

Listing and Inventory Management:

  • Metric: Number of listings created by sellers and the rate of inventory management (adding, updating, and retiring products).
  • Importance: High listing creation and active inventory management demonstrate that sellers are engaged with the platform. An increase in listings can lead to more product offerings and a better shopping experience for buyers.

Sales and Revenue:

  • Metric: Gross merchandise sales (GMS) generated by sellers through the platform.
  • Importance: GMS is a key indicator of the platform's economic impact. Increased sales and revenue benefit both sellers and Etsy, and they reflect the effectiveness of the platform in facilitating transactions.

Seller Satisfaction and Support:

  • Metric: Seller feedback, support ticket resolution time, and overall satisfaction ratings.
  • Importance: Assessing seller satisfaction helps gauge the effectiveness of customer support and the platform's overall user experience. Happy sellers are more likely to continue using Etsy's seller platform and recommend it to others.

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