
PMM: Product Marketing Manager

Definition of

PMM: Product Marketing Manager

The PMM is responsible for driving the product marketing strategy and executing on the plan to bring a product to market.

Detailed Description of

PMM: Product Marketing Manager

A Product Marketing Manager (PMM) is a key role in the product management team. The PMM is responsible for developing and executing marketing strategies to promote a product or service. This includes creating and managing campaigns, developing pricing strategies, conducting market research, and analyzing customer feedback. The PMM also works closely with the product development team to ensure that the product meets customer needs and expectations. Additionally, the PMM is responsible for communicating with customers and partners to ensure that they are aware of new products or services. The PMM must have excellent communication skills, be able to think strategically, and have an understanding of the competitive landscape.

Examples of

PMM: Product Marketing Manager

For example, the PMM might use the PRD to document the key features and functionality that a product should have, and then work with the product development team to ensure that the product meets those requirements. The PMM might also use the MRD to understand the market needs and competitive landscape, and use that information to develop a compelling value proposition for the product.

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