
Focus groups

Definition of

Focus groups

Focus groups are a qualitative research method used to gain insights into people's opinions, beliefs, and attitudes.

Detailed Description of

Focus groups

Focus groups are a type of qualitative research used in product management to gain insights into customer needs, preferences, and behaviors. They involve bringing together a small group of people to discuss a particular topic or product. The group is typically composed of people who have similar characteristics, such as age, gender, or occupation. During the focus group session, the moderator will ask questions and facilitate discussion among the participants. The goal is to gain an understanding of how customers think and feel about the product or topic being discussed. Focus groups can provide valuable insights into customer needs and preferences that can be used to inform product design and development decisions. Additionally, focus groups can help identify potential areas for improvement in existing products or services. #

Examples of

Focus groups

1. A focus group of college students to discuss the concept of “work-life balance” and how it affects their daily lives. 2. A focus group of working professionals to discuss the concept of “time management” and how it affects their productivity. 3. A focus group of parents to discuss the concept of “parenting styles” and how it affects their children’s development. 4. A focus group of entrepreneurs to discuss the concept of “risk-taking” and how it affects their business decisions. 5. A focus group of retirees to discuss the concept of “retirement planning” and how it affects their financial security.

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