
DPI: Dots per inch

Definition of

DPI: Dots per inch

DPI is a measure of the resolution of an image or printer, indicating the number of dots per inch.

Detailed Description of

DPI: Dots per inch

DPI, or dots per inch, is a measure of the resolution of an image or display. It is used to describe the number of individual dots that can be placed in a line within the span of one inch. In product management, DPI is used to measure the quality and clarity of images and graphics on a product’s packaging or website. A higher DPI means that more detail can be seen in an image, making it look sharper and more vibrant. A lower DPI will result in a blurrier image with less detail. Product managers must consider the DPI when designing packaging or websites to ensure that customers are presented with high-quality visuals that accurately represent their products.

Examples of

DPI: Dots per inch

1. A standard computer monitor has a DPI of 72. 2. A high-resolution printer can have a DPI of up to 2400. 3. An image scanned at 300 DPI will have more detail than one scanned at 150 DPI. 4. A digital camera can have a resolution of up to 12 megapixels, which is equivalent to 3600 DPI.

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