How would you measure the success of Twitter's Retweet feature?


Product Case Study


  • The Retweet feature allows users to share a Tweet with their followers.
  • This feature helps to increase the spread of content and can help topics or discussions to go viral.

Feature Goals

  • Increase engagement and interaction between users.
  • Enhance content dissemination.
  • Increase visibility and reach of a user's content.

Success Metrics

Is the feature discoverable and are users using the feature as intended?

  • Retweets per user.
  • Retweets per Tweet.

Is usage of the feature growing?

  • Growth in number of Retweets over time.

What is driving usage of the feature?

  • Retweets by content type (e.g., text, video, image, etc).
  • Retweets by user segment (age, geography, interests, etc).

Does the feature increase engagement?

  • Increase in user interaction (likes, replies) on Retweeted content.
  • Increase in average time spent on the platform per user.

Does the feature increase user value to advertiser?

  • Ad impressions and clicks resulting from Retweeted content.
  • Reach and engagement with promoted content via Retweets.

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