Estimate the value of transactions processed by Razorpay in a day


Product Case Study

Let's try and make this estimate more robust:

Estimate the number of businesses using Razorpay:

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Razorpay had about 500,000 businesses using their platform. Let's assume modest growth and say that currently, they have around 600,000 businesses.

Breakdown by type of business:

Razorpay serves a wide variety of businesses, ranging from startups to large enterprises. Let's categorize businesses into three tiers: small businesses (50%), medium businesses (30%), and large businesses (20%).

Estimate daily transaction volume per business tier:

Next, we estimate the average daily transaction volume for each type of business. These averages can vary widely, but for the purpose of this guesstimate, let's assume $500/day for small businesses, $2000/day for medium businesses, and $5000/day for large businesses.

Calculate total daily transaction volume:

Using these estimates, we can now calculate the total daily transaction volume processed by Razorpay

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