Abhishek Kejriwal

Career Milestones

Launched Zyloon (Oyo for Salons) and Go-Med (Practo for Indonesia) from scratch; Scaled Pratilipi (India's largest online reading platform) to 10mn users

Organization and You

Gigantic Vision - Reaching multi billion users via building various products.

Distributed Ownership - A culture propagating freedom and ownership to each individual within the team.

My day mostly looks like strategizing a product idea, aligning the team, prioritizing the roadmap, dwelling into analytics, and talking to users.

Core Competencies

Managing team, Mediating conflicts, Analysing data.

Go to food for thought

@BrandonMChu @lennysan @JamesClear @shreyas @gregisenberg @eriktorenberg @JeffChang30 @deepakabbot @kunalb11 @JamesCurrier @Pentropy @DCoolican @BrianNorgard @nbashaw @jasonfried @andrewchen

I believe that discovery of great content (be it books, podcasts, blogs, or newsletters) is easier when we follow the right people.

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